Saturday, July 12, 2008


Well, here we are! We made it to Olathe after a long, long drive that was fairly uneventful until we literally crossed the line into Kansas City where we began driving in one of the biggest storms I have ever been a part of. Apparently where we were was the actual heart of this storm... which probably wouldn't have been that big of deal but we had a moving truck to worry about. Those are a little more extreme weather sensitive. Good times though. It was a fun drive with my parents and sister. I very much appreciate their company. 

My family was able to stay for a week and help out with all the little things that come along with moving into a new place. Several days of shopping were also involved which I did not object to. :) It took quite a bit less time to move in then I thought it would really. So that was nice. Wednesday I said a sad goodbye to my parents. But, I feel okay. I don't feel hopeless. I kind of thought I'd feel hopeless and really alone. However, being here has made me feel a lot more hopeful about the future. There's a family here that I really love and who I think cares a lot about me. I think that has helped both me and my parents. So I'm glad for that. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say - So far so good! We love our little home and have had a good time so far. Ryan started work and is adjusting to that life. And I'm just hanging out at home. Woo hoo!!! peace for now. 

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